On Windows
- Download the newest version of Sauerbraten (Collect Edition)
- Install it.
- Download the SuperSauer-Mod for OS/X.
- Mount the supersauer...dmg file (double click) and copy the folder supersauer-1.0.1-files into your Applications-folder
- Open a terminal, type: "cd Applications/ && cp -r supersauer-1.0.1-files/" to copy the SuperSauermod-files into the Sauerbraten-Application.
- Now run the Sauerbraten-Application, (you can delete the folder supersauer-1.0.1-files in your App-Folder if you want) and have fun!
On Linux
- Download the newest version of Sauerbraten (Collect Edition)
- Unpack it to e.g. "/home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" (where "myname" is your username)
- Compile supersauer after downloading the Source from here: Download
Download the SuperSauer-Mod for Linux.
Unpack the SuSa-Mod to e.g. "/home/myname/bin/temporarySusa"
Merge the SuperSauer-Mod now into your Sauerbraten. You can do it with the command "cp -r /home/myname/bin/temporarySusa /home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" in the terminal.
Delete the "temporarySusa"-folder, since its needless now
Enjoy! (to start it go into the terminal, navigate to "/home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" and write "./bin_unix/supersauer64 -glog.txt" or "./bin_unix/supersauer -glog.txt" on a 32-bit linux.
AntwortenLöschenupdate the mod pls