
On Windows

  1. Download the newest version of Sauerbraten (Collect Edition).
  2. Install it  (preferable in "Program Files (x86)\Sauerbraten" or whatever is your default dir)
  3. Download and execute the SuperSauerSetup.exe.
  4. Follow the Setup. Enjoy!


  1. Download the newest version of Sauerbraten (Collect Edition)
  2. Install it.
  3. Download the SuperSauer-Mod for OS/X.
  4. Mount the supersauer...dmg file (double click) and copy the folder supersauer-1.0.1-files into your Applications-folder
  5. Open a terminal, type:                                                                                                                    "cd Applications/ && cp -r supersauer-1.0.1-files/"                               to copy the SuperSauermod-files into the Sauerbraten-Application.
  6. Now run the Sauerbraten-Application, (you can delete the folder supersauer-1.0.1-files in your App-Folder if you want) and have fun!

On Linux

  1. Download the newest version of Sauerbraten (Collect Edition)
  2. Unpack it to e.g. "/home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" (where "myname" is your username)
  3. Compile supersauer after downloading the Source from here: Download
  4. Download the SuperSauer-Mod for Linux.
  5. Unpack the SuSa-Mod to e.g. "/home/myname/bin/temporarySusa"
  6. Merge the SuperSauer-Mod now into your Sauerbraten. You can do it with the command "cp -r /home/myname/bin/temporarySusa /home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" in the terminal.
  7. Delete the "temporarySusa"-folder, since its needless now
  8. Enjoy! (to start it go into the terminal, navigate to "/home/myname/bin/SuperSauerbraten" and write "./bin_unix/supersauer64 -glog.txt" or "./bin_unix/supersauer -glog.txt" on a 32-bit linux.

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